Stories by SHYAM SARAN

India-Nepal relations: Close neighbours tread a precarious path

India-Nepal relations: Close neighbours tread a precarious path   10 Dec 2015

The contrived controversy over the so-called blockade of the India-Nepal border has obscured the perilous path on which the current ruling elite in Nepal are taking the country towards.

Put India's neighbourhood policy back on track

Put India's neighbourhood policy back on track   12 Nov 2015

'We should not have waited for the political crisis in Nepal to erupt before being galvanised into action,' says Shyam Saran. 'We should have seen what was coming and not accepted assurances from the leaders of the political parties at their face value.'

The diminishing idea of India

The diminishing idea of India   7 Oct 2015

If we value India, we must not only 'Make in India', but defend the idea of India, too.

Is Afghanistan's grand illusion of Pakistan over?

Is Afghanistan's grand illusion of Pakistan over?   16 Aug 2015

As Afghanistan gradually realises that there can be no long-term stability in the country as long as Pakistan is involved, the time has come for India to register its solidarity when it would be most appreciated, says former foreign secretary Shyam Saran.

Why follow China, India can prosper on its own

Why follow China, India can prosper on its own   13 May 2015

India must formulate a new growth path to become a top Asian economy.

The perils of China's slowing economy

The perils of China's slowing economy   11 Feb 2015

Chinese leaders may well respond to challenges with heightened rhetoric.

Xi's India visit: Can Modi play his cards well?

Xi's India visit: Can Modi play his cards well?   10 Sep 2014

President Xi Jinping's visit may put relations between India and China on a new trajectory

The morning-after principle

The morning-after principle   11 Jun 2014

Humanitarian intervention has little meaning unless the international community is willing to engage in the aftermath, says Shyam Saran.

Why the new government must not act dumb by playing tough

Why the new government must not act dumb by playing tough   14 May 2014

The choice before the next government is not between being a soft State and a tough State; it is between being a smart State and a dumb State, says former foreign secretary Shyam Saran.

The shadow of Afghanistan

The shadow of Afghanistan   12 Feb 2014

We should be prepared for a phase of increased tensions in India-Pakistan relationship thanks to the evolving situation in Afghanistan, says Shyam Saran.

Terrorism is now global and local

Terrorism is now global and local   20 Jan 2014

A disparate global network of violent fundamentalist Islamic groups threatens India's eastern flank as much as the north and west with a real possibility of these spilling over into our borders, says Shyam Saran.

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